The next big change possibly heading our way is that we may be moving to Duncan, Ok very very soon. This is all work related of course, but I won't go into any details just yet! I will just say that if we move I will miss my friends and church family here more than words can express. However, I want to be where God has planned for us to be, so whatever the decision, I will know that it is the right one! I hope that sentence made sense. Anyway, my Mom and Papaw were here this past weekend and Nicholas kept saying he wanted a cowboy hat just like Papaw's! Well of course, Gigi aka my mom, went down to Cavendars and bought him one his own size. Except now the child will barely take it off his head! I have to bribe him not to wear it when we go out! His Da-do said Nicholas is just preparing to be an Oklahoma Cowboy. Maybe he is right.....