On a darker note, a dangerous new ailment has come over Nicholas. It is called the TERRIBLE TWO'S! Nicholas is now under the impression that he is in charge of the household and spends his days pitching fits and trying to overthrow the government in power AKA Jonathan and myself. For example, if he goes to the time out chair the rule is that he must apologize before he can get up. So one of us will go and say "ok Nicholas tell me your'e sorry and you can get up" to which he shakes his head and says "NO"! He would rather sit in that chair 20 minutes than apologize! He has a huge stubborn streak! Jonathan and Mom say that he gets this from me. Of course, I don't believe that for a minute! So pray for our sanity as we deal with temper tantrums this week. Nicholas is such a blessing in so many ways that I will take the terrible twos, as long as he still gives lots of sweet hugs and kisses to make up for them!
I've also included a sick picture and a happy Nicholas picture. In the happy picture he has his tool box and work gloves on. He thinks he is Mr. Fix It!
Lol, yeah, I'm not looking forward to the terrible twos. Hopefully Nicholas will grow out of it quickly! :-D